
About admin

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So far admin has created 3 blog entries.

Pleasley Mills Gets a Shiny New Reception

By |2021-11-11T11:28:56+00:00October 12th, 2021|Construction|

The work comprised of the removal and demolition of internal walls and ceilings, the installation of a draught lobby, internal rooms and reception area, including the installation of new suspended ceilings and floor coverings. The refurbishment of existing WC facilities including Mechanical & Electrical Services. Installation of CCTV equipment and cabling to Pleasley Vale

Kings Mill Renal Unit

By |2021-11-11T11:29:07+00:00September 7th, 2021|Construction|

This project comprised of the internal refurbishment and reordering of the existing modular building to provide a new 20 station dialysis unit, treatment rooms, toilets, offices, staff facilities, etc. Extensions were constructed to accommodate switch room, manifold room, water treatment room and acid store. It included all associated mechanical and electrical installations and external

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